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Intelligent platform and educational software to allow hearing impaired people

Know the only intelligent system in the market based on artificial intelligence and 100% customised for each student which allows us, hearing impaired people, to study Basque and English.

Ask for further information, without any commitment, and check how bai&by helps us, hearing impaired people, to learn Basque or English with freedom.

(The video from the program “En lengua de signos” on TVE, is ready to be watched in sign language)

Thanks to the DDK System technology, bai&by, is the only intelligent system in the market for deaf people..

The intelligent system DDK System has the capacity to make assessments and through statistical analysis detects each student’s characteristics, creates a detailed profile for each of them and designs a totally customised study strategy for each person..

We have developed an intelligent online platform for deaf people that will help us overcome our difficulties to learn second languages by adapting DDK System to our characteristics.

Why choose bai&by for hearing impaired people to learn languages.

95% of our students recommend us.

More than 25 years of experience.

More than 37,000 students and 900 companies have trusted bai&by.

100% performance guarantee.

If you are a member of Euskal Gorrak (Basque Federation of deaf people associations) or ASORNA (Deaf people association from Navarra), take advantage of the offer in Basque and English courses at bai&by.

Do you belong to a deaf people association and want to be informed about the benefits of the bai&by method?

This is a non-profit project born as the result of the wish within bai&by Fundazioa to spread educational resources.

The challenge of this project has been to adapt the bai&by intelligent platform to learn languages to deaf people. We would like to share the results with all deaf people associations in the country. If you want us to show you how our methodology works, or you are interested in offering members of your organization the possibility to lean Basque and English with freedom, get in contact with bai&by.

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