Romantic phrases in Basque and love songs


Study Basque, Study English

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If you are thinking of declaring your love, let us give you a few phrases of love in Basque, a few other romantic expressions and the perfect songs to become the soundtrack of your declaration of love.

We do not believe in Valentine’s Day particularly, but we do believe in love. At bai&by, we believe in all of the types of love that exist, and se them as the fuel that drives the world in which we live. A couple’s love, love of animals, the love between friends who share good and bad times, a mother’s love, etc.

In our case we feel a fervent love for teaching languages in general and Basque in particular. It is our passion, the main reason why we dedicate ourselves every day to our smart method for learning languages.

That is why we wanted to take advantage of this date to declare our love of Basque to the four winds. How? By compiling phrases of love in Basque and other romantic material, such as songs.

Are you ready for an overdose of sweetness? Let’s go for it!

Romantic phrases in Basque, declare your love now!

Romantic words and expressions in Basque

frases de amor en euskera
Azukre koxkorra = sugar cube.
Panpoxa = beautiful.
frases de amor en euskera
Laztana = darling
 frases de amor en euskera
Maite nazazu gutxiago eta goza nazazu gehiago = Love me less and enjoy me more.
frases de amor en euskera
Ilargiraino eta buelta maite zaitut = I love you to the moon and back.

Flattery in Basque

frases de amor en euskera
Zuretzat ilargia lapurtuko nuke gauero = For you, I’d steal the moon every night. Chorus from the well-known song ‘Ilargia’ by Ken Zazpi.
frases de amor en euskera
Mugarik gabe maite zaitut = I love you endlessly


Udaberria bera baino ederrago zatoz = You look more beautiful than Spring

Munduari buelta emango nioke helmuga zeu izango bazina = I’d go around the world if I knew you were there at the end of the journey.

Zure bihotzaren taupada, nire bizitzaren musika = The beat of your heart, the music of my life.

List of top love songs in Basque

1. ‘Ilargia’ by Ken Zazpi     

2. ‘Maite zaitut’ by Pirritx eta Porrotx  

3. ‘Negua joan da ta’ by Zea Mays 

4. ‘Nere herriko neskatxa maite’ by Benito Lertxundi

5. Ene maite nauzu by Iñaki Eizmendi

6. Lau teilatu by Itoiz

7. Emoiztazuz moxutxuek by Gozategi

8. Badira hiru aste by Mikel Urdangarin

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