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We all like doing sports. Sometimes it’s a little bit harder, that’s true, but once you get going, you feel more comfortable and fulfilled, don’t you?
It’s curious but most of the names for sports are similar in the three languages. Football, which is the result of putting the words “foot” and “ball” together, is “fútbol” in Spanish and “futbola” in Basque. Or baseball, “béisbol” and “besbola”. Boxing, “boxeo” and “boxeoa”.
We’ve brought you a few which are a bit more different.
Basque | Spanish | English |
Eskubaloia | Balonmano | Handball |
Saskibaloia | Baloncesto | Basketball |
Estropada | Regata | Boat race |
Xakea | Ajedrez | Chess |
Txirrindularitza | Ciclismo | Cycling |
Arrantza | Pesca | Fishing |
Xendazaletasun / Mendizaletasun | Senderismo | Hiking |
Korrika egin | Correr | Running |
Igeriketa | Natación | Swimming |
Lasterketa | Carrera | Race |
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