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Neuronal DDK: What is The neuronal reevolution?



artificial intelligence, bai&by foundation, innovative learning methodology, learn basque, learn english, neuronal ddk

Throughout this blog post we are going to give you all the details of the Neuronal DDK, and while we are at it, we shall also explain the intricacies of the project behind The Neuronal Reevolution, so that you can understand the solid technological pillars and pedagogical projects that are the core of the marketing […]

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Language learning method at bai&by: our intelligent system


Learn languages

basque language school, english language school, language schools, study languages

In the last few years, systems to learn languages that present different games and exercises with idioms and vocabulary have spread. They claim that using some application on your smartphone and working on the contents randomly, you will be able to master the language you wish simply by playing while you travel on public transport […]

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Intelligent platform to enable deaf people to learn Basque and English.



innovative methodology to study, learn basque

Today, we’d like to let you know about the latest project we have developed at bai&by Fundazioa: an intelligent platform to enable deaf people to learn Basque and English. We are going to give you a brief explanation about the details of the project and about bai&by Fundazioa. After all the hard work and enthusiasm […]

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10 words related to sports in Basque, Spanish and English


Learn languages

basque language school, english language school, learn basque, learn english, vocabulary basque, vocabulary english

We all like doing sports. Sometimes it’s a little bit harder, that’s true, but once you get going, you feel more comfortable and fulfilled, don’t you? It’s curious but most of the names for sports are similar in the three languages. Football, which is the result of putting the words “foot” and “ball” together, is […]

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20 words for autumn dishes in English, Basque and Spanish


Learn languages, Study Basque, Study English

basque language school, Basque vocabulary, english language school, English vocabulary, food words in English, learn basque, learn english

Autumn is a very important season for eating healthy, as we get ready for facing winter strongly and full of energy. Each culture has its own diet and eating habits, but it is very important to eat seasonal products. Here you have some vocabulary with our typical autumn dishes. Which one is your favourite? Food […]

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Phrasal verbs: which ones are the most common?


Learn languages, Study English

english cv, english for companies, tips english

The phrasal verbs you will find here are definitely the most useful ones. They might seem to be a lot, but if you use them, you will improve not only your written skills, but also your ability to understand (and follow) conversations. Are you ready?

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How to write a formal letter or email in English


Study English

learn english, tips english, writing in english

One of the biggest challenges that students of English and business people in general face, is writing a formal letter or email in English. Although it is a common task when preparing Cambridge exams, when we have to apply what we have learned out of the confines of the classroom, we have doubts and we […]

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Learn English at bai&by: Do you know how our levels of English work?


Learn languages, Study Basque

learn english, learning language, study languages

When you come to bai&by centres to learn Basque, many of you ask us about the equivalence of levels of our smart system. So it seemed an interesting topic to share in our blog.

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