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20 words for autumn dishes in English, Basque and Spanish


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basque language school, Basque vocabulary, english language school, English vocabulary, food words in English, learn basque, learn english


Autumn is a very important season for eating healthy, as we get ready for facing winter strongly and full of energy. Each culture has its own diet and eating habits, but it is very important to eat seasonal products. Here you have some vocabulary with our typical autumn dishes. Which one is your favourite?

Food words in English, Basque and Spanish.

Basque Spanish English
gaztaina castaña chestnut
intxaur nuez walnut
aza col cabbage
porru puerro leek
uraza, letxuga lechuga lettuce
eskarola escarola endive
patata patata potato
azalore coliflor cauliflower
baratxuri ajo garlic
zopa sopa soup
babarrun alubia beans
ilar guisante pea
piku higo fig
odolki morcilla blood sausage
kuia, kalabaza calabaza pumpkin
zerba acelga chard
ziazerba espinaca spinach
esnea leche milk
esne-gain, gain nata cream
arto maíz corn
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