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Since ancient times, humanity has striven to find formulas to fix a world full of imperfections…

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Surely there is no magic formula that solves all the problems that humanity suffers and generates, however, by trying we will get closer to the solution… So, we are going to try with this one:

It is our formula to open ourselves to a world of collaboration and aid to development. We are going to attempt, from our standpoint and with our knowhow, to give solutions to the problems that surround us.

bai&by Fundazioa

With the bai&by Fundazioa foundation we wish to go beyond our professional and personal projects to enter unchartered territories with clear OBJECTIVES:

Encouragement and promotion of minority languages, especially Basque: development of instruments, promotional and educational material, subsidies and scholarships, impetus to research, and the adaptation of each language to new technologies.

The dissemination of expert systems and socialisation of educational resources so that the right to education becomes a reality: systems adapted to special-needs groups, children’s education…

Solidarity with developing countries: to foster companies and local software projects, or subsidies and support to help projects that satisfy the most basic necessities.


EngGram Tagger

One of the objectives of the bai&by Fundazioa foundation is the promotion of expert systems research for the learning of languages. In the LangMind project, the DDK Linguistics technology has been developed using linguistic taggers. bai&by Fundazioa has purchased the English EngGram tagger for this project. bai&by Fundazioa destined part of the 2015 budget to this project.



The ikastolas -Basque schools- of Iparralde (North Basque Country) are united in the SEASKA group and at the same time, SEASKA is a member of several associations that work in the process of the normalization of the Basque language. The course that SEASKA, which opened its doors with half a dozen students to what it is nowadays, has undergone has been just as long as it has been productive.

For that reason, in order to insure and stress the importance that the recovery of the language has had and to show our support in view of the economic difficulties that it has been suffering for a while now, bai&by Fundazioa has dedicated the whole budget for the year 2010 to SEASKA.



This project aims at fitting bai&by technology to study South American minority languages. As a first step, the bai&by Fundazioa foundation is triying to recover Kichwa with the collaboration of the Garabide Association.

bai&by Fundazioa has dedicated its entire 2009 budget to GARABIDE so that they can promote this project.


bai&by English for Basques

The aim of this project is to achieve the normalization of the Basque language by offering its speakers the opportunity to learn English from our own language. At the same time, the objective is to reinforce the level of Basque in young people spreading this product in secondary schools. This way, a new language will be learnt (English), while strengthening Basque at the same time.

bai&by Fundazioa dedicated its entire 2011 budget to this project.


Project to reinforce English and Euskera of young people

We are engaged in a project with several ESO centres for the learning of English from Euskera. By studying English from Euskera, besides learning English, it also serves to reinforce Euskera, since as numerous studies show, learning a new language reinforces the source language. The bai&by Fundazioa foundation offers scholarships to students that meet a minimum number of hours to complete the course at no cost.

bai&by Fundazioa destined part of the 2015 budget to this project.


Investigación BCBL

El centro de investigación en neurolingüística BCBL (Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language) colabora en el proyecto LangMind de DIDAKTIKER. Uno de los objetivos de este proyecto es investigar cómo funciona el cerebro en el aprendizaje del euskara y su aplicación al sistema experto bai&by para facilitar el proceso de estudio de nuestros alumnos.

bai&by Fundazioa destinó parte del presupuesto de 2014 y 2015 a becar a los participantes de este proyecto de investigación.


Project for Fundación Escuelas Taller de Colombia Foundation

The foundation bai&by Fundazioa has signed a collaboration agreement with the foundation Fundación Escuela Taller de Bogotá – Herramientas de Paz with the double objective of improving the language training of 100 students belonging to this Colombian foundation and making the right for education a reality. This agreement will allow them to use the DDK System technology for learning English so that it contributes to both their professional training and their social and professional integration.


Project to help deaf people learn Basque and English

Unfortunately, until quite recently, deaf people did not have a way to learn a second language, either face-to-face, or online and, let alone, an intelligent system that could suit their characteristics and needs. In order to change this difficult situation, and also as it is one of the aims within bai&by Fundazioa to spread adapted educational systems for groups with special needs, we have developed an intelligent online platform that helps deaf people overcome their difficulties to learn second languages.


Project to strengthen English and Basque in Harrobia ikastola

bai&by Fundazioa has carried out a pilot program at Harrobia ikastola during the 2020-21 course. In order to improve the students’ level of English, the aim of this pilot program is to offer the possibility to learn English with the intelligent system DDK System. Apart from learning English, students have also improved their Basque level as the latter is used as the source language to learn English.


Project developed in collaboration with the Euskal Etxea of Lima

The bai&by Foundation and the Euskal Etxea of Lima (Peru) have carried out a collaborative project to offer users of the Euskal Etxea the opportunity to learn Basque or English. Thus, during the 2021/2022 course, twenty students who have participated in the project have had the opportunity to learn with the intelligent DDK System.

Become a collaborator!

bai&by Fundazioa is a non-profit organization. It has three main objectives: foment Euskera and Basque culture, socialize and educate in the use of artificial intelligence systems and solidarity with developing countries. If you agree with these objectives and want to participate and foster this project, become a collaborator.
If you want to collaborate or you need further information, please contact us by sending an email to or phone us at 944217777.