Learn languages
You may never have thought about it, but do you know that there are English and Basque language schools where you do not have to miss a class because you have a mishap? The thing is that, every now and again, certain setbacks or commitments disrupt our pre-set timetables. But, as we usually try to do at bai&by, we want to give you a solution, or something better: The solution.
As we told you at the start of this post, there are times when, out of necessity, you have trouble attending English or Basque classes. It may be that we have a rush on at work, an unexpected trip, an unavoidable family commitment, or even a period of holiday or untimely flu. If you were to register at a traditional language school, you would have “a problem”: you would not be able to attend class and you would miss hours of study, with everything that that entails: falling behind, losing track of classes and having to get your act together on your way back…
But when you study English or Basque with bai&by, once again that is one problem less. Because at bai&by we offer extensions to pause the course. A simple case of flu will not cost you a fortnight of study!
In addition to these extensions that you can request for whatever reason, bai&by offers you extensions for periods when we understand that you will have less time to study languages. These periods cover the Easter, summer and Christmas holidays. Does that mean that you can’t study during those periods? Not at all! If you want, you have the option to continue using the system (in fact we always recommend that you do so, as, if you continue, you will raise your average), but if you cannot study, this will not affect your performance (it will not lower your average). When you start your intelligent English or Basque course again after the holidays, you will be in great form.
In addition, you also have the possibility to stop the course whenever you need to. If you foresee that for a period of time you will not be able to study with your virtual teacher, just tell us and we will stop the course, so that this period of non-study does not affect your average.
We want to help you and that is why bai&by is offering you exclusive advantages: the only smart system on the market, the guarantee, the scholarships and the extensions, so that, if you become ill or have to finish a work project, it does not negatively affect your average.
And all this simply because at bai&by it is the language course that adapts to you, not you to the course 😉
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